In the words of Jane West:
We met for lunch before the service at Olive's the only pic I took and I will post it today. But for lunch, Jana, Sara, Morehouse and his wife, Tosi, Kelley Roselund, Cat Lisle and her husband, Mary Clemons and me. It was very fun and we laughed a lot...I forgot how hysterical Sara is! She remembers so much! John talked more than I think I ever heard him talk all through high school!
So, when we arrived at the meeting hall, the place was packed. It was not a very big place to begin with...Carol touched many lives. But the room itself was very lovely...a round room surrounded by windows that looked out on nature.
There were three musicians performing in the center...Kim Chalmers, Jennifer Kitts and Petar Kecenovici...beautiful classical music from a string trio. Guests were invited to sign a guest registry before entering.
As in the Quaker tradition, guests were invited to speak as the spirit moved them. Jean Chalmers was the mediator...she let us know how the service would proceed. We started with a 10 minute silence...a time of reflection and personal prayer...and lots of tears.
Polly was the first to stand and speak....about trying to adjust to the idea that she was gone...and being thankful for the full life she led. Very emotional...for her and me. Several others also spoke...her cousin, an old friend of the family. Paul also spoke of Carol's adventurous spirit, how she had gone away to college, left for California with only one suitcase...loved traveling...meeting Bo and moving to Sweden. He said that two words kept coming to his mind about her and they were independent and love. Mitra's mom spoke about how Carol had befriended Mitra our senior much it had meant to Mitra and how it helped her to adjust to a new school. [Carol did exactly the same for me coming from Hawthorne High in the 10th grade and Cheryl Katz had the same story to tell as well when she moved in...]
Sara also spoke about funny high school memories...meeting her in 5th grade, etc. Kathy brought a card that Carol had sent her about how much she loved Maya...and stood up and read it. She could hardly get through it....
Tom was there but was so emotional that he did not speak.
Linda Aubry and Pat Shille both spoke...Linda about what an unforgettable student Carol was and how she always made the effort to stay in touch with her and always sent her an e-mail on her birthday. Pat Shille thanked her for supporting the soccer team and taking home the uniforms to wash them!
So we ended with shaking hands and then there were refreshments in an adjoining room. I wanted to say something...but I couldn't get the words out. Now I kind of regret it.... I said...there were a lot of people there...many older people who are friends of Paul and Polly's. But of the high school friends that were there...all of the above that came to lunch plus Lori and Annie Bonneville, Karen Heany, Dr. and Mrs. Sandeen...I think that's it.
It was a fitting tribute...Carol would have liked it. Low key, upbeat for the most part, lots of friends!