Wednesday, April 13, 2011
GHS 1981 30 year reunion
Just in case someone ends up finding this place...wanting to let you know that the 30 year Reunion is in Gainesville the weekend of July 29th and 30th. To get all the info...go to or become Facebook friends with GHS REUNION 1981!!! Can't wait to see you there!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Carol's Memorial
In the words of Jane West:
We met for lunch before the service at Olive's the only pic I took and I will post it today. But for lunch, Jana, Sara, Morehouse and his wife, Tosi, Kelley Roselund, Cat Lisle and her husband, Mary Clemons and me. It was very fun and we laughed a lot...I forgot how hysterical Sara is! She remembers so much! John talked more than I think I ever heard him talk all through high school!
So, when we arrived at the meeting hall, the place was packed. It was not a very big place to begin with...Carol touched many lives. But the room itself was very lovely...a round room surrounded by windows that looked out on nature.
There were three musicians performing in the center...Kim Chalmers, Jennifer Kitts and Petar Kecenovici...beautiful classical music from a string trio. Guests were invited to sign a guest registry before entering.
As in the Quaker tradition, guests were invited to speak as the spirit moved them. Jean Chalmers was the mediator...she let us know how the service would proceed. We started with a 10 minute silence...a time of reflection and personal prayer...and lots of tears.
Polly was the first to stand and speak....about trying to adjust to the idea that she was gone...and being thankful for the full life she led. Very emotional...for her and me. Several others also spoke...her cousin, an old friend of the family. Paul also spoke of Carol's adventurous spirit, how she had gone away to college, left for California with only one suitcase...loved traveling...meeting Bo and moving to Sweden. He said that two words kept coming to his mind about her and they were independent and love. Mitra's mom spoke about how Carol had befriended Mitra our senior much it had meant to Mitra and how it helped her to adjust to a new school. [Carol did exactly the same for me coming from Hawthorne High in the 10th grade and Cheryl Katz had the same story to tell as well when she moved in...]
Sara also spoke about funny high school memories...meeting her in 5th grade, etc. Kathy brought a card that Carol had sent her about how much she loved Maya...and stood up and read it. She could hardly get through it....
Tom was there but was so emotional that he did not speak.
Linda Aubry and Pat Shille both spoke...Linda about what an unforgettable student Carol was and how she always made the effort to stay in touch with her and always sent her an e-mail on her birthday. Pat Shille thanked her for supporting the soccer team and taking home the uniforms to wash them!
So we ended with shaking hands and then there were refreshments in an adjoining room. I wanted to say something...but I couldn't get the words out. Now I kind of regret it.... I said...there were a lot of people there...many older people who are friends of Paul and Polly's. But of the high school friends that were there...all of the above that came to lunch plus Lori and Annie Bonneville, Karen Heany, Dr. and Mrs. Sandeen...I think that's it.
It was a fitting tribute...Carol would have liked it. Low key, upbeat for the most part, lots of friends!

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Carol's Memorial Information
CAROL FRENCH DOUGHTY (1963-2009)Carol Doughty, 45, died in Helsingborg Sweden, May 14, asleep and at peace when her struggle with cancer ceased. The daughter of Polly and Paul Doughty and older sister of Tom, Carol was born in Lima, Peru in 1963 where her father was working for Cornell University. She grew up in Bloomington Indiana and Gainesville where her family moved in 1971. She attended JJ Finley school and graduated from Gainesville High School in 1981. She was an eager student, active in Keyettes, Model United Nations, Spanish Club and winning letters with the swimming and soccer teams. While at GHS and later in university she participated in student exchange programs in Peru. She graduated from Indiana University in 1985, majoring in Latin American Studies/ Spanish and Anthropology and took a job in the center of Los Angeles as a primary school teacher, a job that she loved. Carol earned a Masters degree in education at Long Beach State, and was a mentor teacher in bi-lingual education in two Los Angeles schools, specializing in teaching kindergarten and first grade pupils. Always outspoken and never short of ideas, she also was elected by her peers to represent them in the United Teachers of LA County Union. In the summer of 1995 on a trip to Peru with her parents, Carol took an ecological tour to the Manu Rain Forest, where she met her future husband, Bo Nilsson, from Sweden. She married Bo, living in the town of Perstorp where Nilsson is employed as an industrial chemist. Carol resumed teaching primary grades in Slottshöjdens Skola, an international school in the city of Helsingborg where she taught English, Spanish and art. In 2002 her daughter, Maya was born. In Sweden she was an active participant in the American Women’s club, book club and home gardening activities. She enjoyed reading, travel, handicrafts and photography. She always sent in her absentee ballot for elections. Carol enjoyed a large network of friends, eventually starting a blog communicating with high school friends in Lima and Gainesville, quilters, many colleagues and even some of her early first grade students and others of all ages around the Americas and the world. She was helping to organize her GHS forthcoming class reunion. All knew her to be a caring, creative and enthusiastic person. Her parents Polly and Paul Doughty, brother Tom Doughty of Gainesville, her husband Bo Nilsson and daughter of 7 years, Maya Doughty Nilsson in Perstorp, Sweden, love and miss her greatly. Carol loved teaching and working with children and was devoted to her profession. The family has started two Memorials recognizing her interest in Latin America and to commemorate her dedication to education and to sustain her strong belief that teaching was an indispensable calling in support of society and nation.A memorial service was held in Perstorp where she is at rest in the community cemetery. Her memorial service in Gainesville will be held for her at the Society of Friends (Quaker) Meeting House at 702 NW 38th Street, on Saturday August 1 at 3pm.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Notes from Carol's Funeral by Brother Tom

We began the day as we would any other day with a special occasion. People hurrying to prepare food, shower, and getting dressed up for a party. As we all piled into the cars to head to our destination we spoke softy and slowly began to ready ourselves for what we were about to do. We were heading to the small churchyard near the center of Perstorp, Sweden to say goodbye to our wonderful Carol. The many friends and family members gathered in the gravel parking area in brilliant crisp sunlight. On a tall flagpole hung a Swedish flag at half mast. Tears and hugs were shared as everyone assembled. Gradually we walked over to the small building where the ceremony would take place. Once inside we were able to view the simple blonde wood coffin covered with brightly colored flower arrangements and white ribbons with the names of the well wishers and family members. The room itself was stained shiplap pine wood, with a light brown tile floor and narrow windows above circling the room. A sturdy long oak table near the head of the coffin held flowers, candles, and sculptured glass cross. It seemed such a strange setting to say goodbye to the Carol I knew. Quaint and peaceful but somehow I knew that Carol’s spirit had expanded out into the universe. She was with us but she had blown the roof off this little place. Christopher, a freind who came often to the hospital to deliver fresh juice and give foot massages to Carol, began the funeral by playing his violin. It was a soaring and sorrowful piece that had me transfixed on to one of the roses in an arrangement near the floor. I could see forever into the unfolding petals, and as the music played I could feel once again the spirit of my sister and life that she brought into this world. Even as the tears began to began to well up in the eyes of everyone around I could sense the light that came from my sister was still shining. The service continued with the Funeral director reading the short biography of Carol in Swedish. In fact the whole service was in Swedish. If it weren’t for the music I’m not so sure I would have been able to connect with the moment so well. After a few more moments it was time for Bo to say a few words. He and Maya stood with tears in their eyes and thanked her so many good years wishing for more. He’s wasn’t able to speak but his face said everything Carol needed to know. After they placed their roses on the coffin, my dad stood to say his few words. In my understanding I didn’t think the rest of us would get up to say anything but then it was my mom’s turn and then mine. My mind was firing off in so many different directions. I was stuck in the moment of grief and didn’t know what to say. If I started I could have gone on forever, if could have gotten past the tears. I managed a simple goodbye. If I could have spoken I would have said something like this. “Carol I am so proud to have had a you as my big sister. The lives you touched and the minds you encouraged will have a positive and lasting effect for many generations. Like the rose unfolding before me, and Maya sitting so close, your life, our lives, are part of the continuation of the unbreakable chain. This chain of life, interconnected moments, and existences that cannot be bracketed or isolated into individual lives is what we are. We are the accumulation of what has come before us and we pass on to others and the world through our children and our deeds the knowledge and fruits of our action. You Carol, have passed on so much that we can all admire and aspire to. I hope to be as caring and sharing as you were. You were a guide and friend to so many people. I truly believe you left this world far to early but you left it a much better place and realized so many of your dreams. Carol, I love you and I will always miss you.” Everyone in attendance proceeded to come up to the coffin and give their thanks and prayers to Carol. Bo’s family, neighbors, co-workers, and friends from Peru, Poland, and Iraq all stood to say good-bye. The touching ceremony closed with the singing of “You are my Sunshine”. This was a song a favorite sung by Maya and her mother. Maya once in the hospital sang this song to her mom and included a verse of her own. “Sunshine, My only sunshine, You make me happy when skies are grey, You never know dear how much I love you, Please don’t take my Mommy away.” After the saying good-bye we all relocated to Carol and Bo’s home for some food and to share stories and look at pictures of Carol. The shouts of children always reminding us that there is so much to live for, and that through all the pain and suffering life goes on, as it always will. With every laugh, cry, or need we are snapped back into the present, not being able to bring Carol back. We do not come into this life wanting to experience these moments of loss and pain, but we learn that this is something that we must accept in order to appreciate all that we have and are blessed to have experienced in our lives. Carol was certainly not short on enthusiasm for life, and we will all learn to do the same again. The next day we planted a magnolia tree in Carol’s honor just outside the dinning room window in the front yard. Soon after we drove ourselves over to the Memory Garden, where Carol’s ashes will be placed, to view all the flowers that had been displayed at the ceremony. We were very moved by all the sentiments and the kind gestures that were displayed. Carol was an amazing person and she attracted amazing people into her life. We are filled with gratitude to all the kindness that has surrounded us the past few weeks. Every kind word, every gesture every thought has made this circumstance much easier to handle and confront. Love to you all. Thank you for being here and showing so much love for Carol. Tom Doughty
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Dear GHS World...and anyone else who may just happen by here--we are sad, and profoundly affected by the death of Carol. May 14th 2009 she left us for her new adventure in her next existence. I know many of us have different ideas as to what that existence entails. I am sure none of us can deny that it will involve more LOVE and LOVING as that has always been Carol's gift. Feel free to leave her any messages of love in the comment section below. Feel free to include somebody today that maybe you normally wouldn't have. Feel free to reconnect with someone that has been at the back of your mind, or hug that person at work that just looks sad, or CELEBRATE all the GOOD in your life on purpose with others who help to make it so. Remember Carol with your love and goodness--keep her light glowing and love burning.
We will continue this blog...Babe Adams and Jane West have volunteered to help me in co-authoring entries...and it is open to ANYONE who would like to contribute. Starting next Sunday(May 31st) we will begin our new posts. If you know the dates you will be in Gainesville over the summer, please send them to me at we will post them and thereby allow whoever can to gather with whoever wants when they are HOME. Carol would like this....
I am relieved that you already knew Carol. Forgive the lameness of this entry. I know she already forgives me...but I have no words to express what should rightfully be expressed here. But I have a heart FULL of feelings that I know are commonly shared with you. Here's to loving each other and expressing it more in the time we have left Bill Bush put it...Here's to BETTER DAYS and GREAT FRIENDS!

We will continue this blog...Babe Adams and Jane West have volunteered to help me in co-authoring entries...and it is open to ANYONE who would like to contribute. Starting next Sunday(May 31st) we will begin our new posts. If you know the dates you will be in Gainesville over the summer, please send them to me at we will post them and thereby allow whoever can to gather with whoever wants when they are HOME. Carol would like this....
I am relieved that you already knew Carol. Forgive the lameness of this entry. I know she already forgives me...but I have no words to express what should rightfully be expressed here. But I have a heart FULL of feelings that I know are commonly shared with you. Here's to loving each other and expressing it more in the time we have left Bill Bush put it...Here's to BETTER DAYS and GREAT FRIENDS!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Sheryl in Pennsylvania
Sheryl Katz is now living in Willow Grove, Pennsylvania. My husband and I met in 1991. She was teaching school before but unfortunately, Sheryl is not teaching right now because there are no public school jobs around her area. She has two daughters, Rachel (13) and Holli (16).

Can't wait to see you in person at the next reunion, Sheryl!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
A Holiday Party in 1973 at JJ Finley
What party people we were in 5th Grade at J.J. Finley!
In case you don't recognize anyone...(or yourself!)
Here's what I wrote on the back of the photo back in 1973
Mrs. Daniels, David Lee,
Jane West, Carol Doughty, Owen O'Malley, Frank Wickes, Bill Bush
Mike Godby, Bill Foster, Marvin ?
Grant Denny, Arthur Plant
Leslie Silver, Karen Woods

Here's what I wrote on the back of the photo back in 1973
Mrs. Daniels, David Lee,
Jane West, Carol Doughty, Owen O'Malley, Frank Wickes, Bill Bush
Mike Godby, Bill Foster, Marvin ?
Grant Denny, Arthur Plant
Leslie Silver, Karen Woods

magical musical fingers moves! I was always so envious...she could play by ear! WOW! LOL
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Margaret's Obituary and a few more details from her cousin
Brock, Margaret R.
March 6, 2009Margaret R. Brock 45, Indianapolis, died March 4, 2009. Services: 10:30 a.m. March 7 at Faith Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis with calling there one hour prior to service. Burial: Glen Cove Cemetery, Knightstown. Arrangements: Erlewein Mortuary, Greenfield
Margaret passed away on Wednesday March 4th at Indiana Heart Hospital. I am her cousin and Margaret's funeral was Saturday, March 7th. She died unexpectedly from a blood clot that caused a heart attack that she never recovered from. She was a wonderful cousin and we will miss her lots.
I was her cousin and she was going to be staying at my house after she recovered from her ankle, this has been very hard for me. I was visiting her every few days and taking her DVD's. She thought it was stress and so didn't think anything about the chest pain she was having until Monday when she went to the Emergency Room at Indiana Heart Hospital and then had a now we realize fatal heart attack from a blood clot. She died with her family around her on Wednesday the 4th, after being pronounced brain dead. I will miss all of her good stories and her crazy humor and of course her smile. - Kari
March 6, 2009Margaret R. Brock 45, Indianapolis, died March 4, 2009. Services: 10:30 a.m. March 7 at Faith Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis with calling there one hour prior to service. Burial: Glen Cove Cemetery, Knightstown. Arrangements: Erlewein Mortuary, Greenfield
Margaret passed away on Wednesday March 4th at Indiana Heart Hospital. I am her cousin and Margaret's funeral was Saturday, March 7th. She died unexpectedly from a blood clot that caused a heart attack that she never recovered from. She was a wonderful cousin and we will miss her lots.
I was her cousin and she was going to be staying at my house after she recovered from her ankle, this has been very hard for me. I was visiting her every few days and taking her DVD's. She thought it was stress and so didn't think anything about the chest pain she was having until Monday when she went to the Emergency Room at Indiana Heart Hospital and then had a now we realize fatal heart attack from a blood clot. She died with her family around her on Wednesday the 4th, after being pronounced brain dead. I will miss all of her good stories and her crazy humor and of course her smile. - Kari
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Margaret Brock

Margaret Brock
August 1, 1963-March 4, 2009
A Message from her cousin
To all of Margaret's friends....
Margaret Brock passed away unexpectedly March 4th, 2009. She joins her parents in heaven. She was loved very much by her family and many friends. You can sign a guest book at or make a Memorial contribution to Faith Presbyterian Church here in Indianapolis or the Indianapolis Humane Society.
What was Margaret recently doing?
Here's our recent facebook correspondence...
Margaret Brock (Indianapolis, IN) wrote on February 6th, 2009
Sorry, I have been busy. I go to Indiana University here in Indianapolis. I am double majoring in Accounting and Finance. I want to be a forensic auditor when I grow up!
Margaret Brock (Indianapolis, IN) wrote on February 8th, 2009
(Answers my question about what a forsensic auditor does)
A forensic auditor does not want to work for Donald Trump, they just want to put him in jail. A forensic auditor follows the money to put bad guys away.
Margaret....we loved you, and love you still. I especially loved your laugh and happy demeanor.I'll still ask that you help Carol :) Gather up the best of the best healers and send them to her for us.
We'll let YOU be in charge of the reunion on the other side...if Heaven is how we hope--MY SUGGESTION FOR the venue is an English Castle with stables and gardens and an amazing pool and fireplaces in all the bedrooms for each of us...with the yummiest foods ever from earth...and huge doses of love for each class member and their families as they arrive...I promise to help when I get there.
Until then, may we both be found surrounded by loved ones.....and working to become our very best selves.... Natalie Broadhurst
Margaret... you will be missed. I am so glad that we had a little time to get reconnected on facebook. I will be praying for your family and friends during this trying time. We love you but know that you are with your parents and that they are joyous to see your smiling face.
Gina Spivey
What a shock Margaret...we just get back in touch and now you aren't here anymore! I feel a loss for me, your friends and especially your family! We had GREAT times together at GHS. You were a good friend to me and I probably didn't appreciate it as much as I should have. Your cheerful, spunky outlook, and your sly comments often had me rolling on the floor with laughter! I love you! Your spirit will continue to cheer my life knowing that you were my friend on Earth. May you rest peacefully in heaven and play your GHS instrutment with the angel band! Carol Doughty
I was so sad to hear about Margaret Brock. What a shock! I remember how funny she was....a quick wit that made her seem wise beyond her years. I wish I had the opportunity to have been back in touch with her through FB.
Jane West
If you would like to leave a message for our blog for Margaret, you may send it to Natalie or Carol or leave a message on her fb account. (It's still open)
Did Margaret play trumpet? or french horn? I can't remember...she was a band buddy and kept her eyes and ears open for me about my band guy interests. (which none of them, of course, were interested in me! But Margaret was always trying to be cupid!) What a sense of humor! That girl could make me LAUGH! I'm so glad I got to see her and hug her at our last reunion...she still was as funny as ever! -- Carol
August 1, 1963-March 4, 2009
A Message from her cousin
To all of Margaret's friends....
Margaret Brock passed away unexpectedly March 4th, 2009. She joins her parents in heaven. She was loved very much by her family and many friends. You can sign a guest book at or make a Memorial contribution to Faith Presbyterian Church here in Indianapolis or the Indianapolis Humane Society.
What was Margaret recently doing?
Here's our recent facebook correspondence...
Margaret Brock (Indianapolis, IN) wrote on February 6th, 2009
Sorry, I have been busy. I go to Indiana University here in Indianapolis. I am double majoring in Accounting and Finance. I want to be a forensic auditor when I grow up!
Margaret Brock (Indianapolis, IN) wrote on February 8th, 2009
(Answers my question about what a forsensic auditor does)
A forensic auditor does not want to work for Donald Trump, they just want to put him in jail. A forensic auditor follows the money to put bad guys away.
Margaret....we loved you, and love you still. I especially loved your laugh and happy demeanor.I'll still ask that you help Carol :) Gather up the best of the best healers and send them to her for us.
We'll let YOU be in charge of the reunion on the other side...if Heaven is how we hope--MY SUGGESTION FOR the venue is an English Castle with stables and gardens and an amazing pool and fireplaces in all the bedrooms for each of us...with the yummiest foods ever from earth...and huge doses of love for each class member and their families as they arrive...I promise to help when I get there.
Until then, may we both be found surrounded by loved ones.....and working to become our very best selves.... Natalie Broadhurst
Margaret... you will be missed. I am so glad that we had a little time to get reconnected on facebook. I will be praying for your family and friends during this trying time. We love you but know that you are with your parents and that they are joyous to see your smiling face.
Gina Spivey
What a shock Margaret...we just get back in touch and now you aren't here anymore! I feel a loss for me, your friends and especially your family! We had GREAT times together at GHS. You were a good friend to me and I probably didn't appreciate it as much as I should have. Your cheerful, spunky outlook, and your sly comments often had me rolling on the floor with laughter! I love you! Your spirit will continue to cheer my life knowing that you were my friend on Earth. May you rest peacefully in heaven and play your GHS instrutment with the angel band! Carol Doughty
I was so sad to hear about Margaret Brock. What a shock! I remember how funny she was....a quick wit that made her seem wise beyond her years. I wish I had the opportunity to have been back in touch with her through FB.
Jane West
I was sad to hear about Margaret Brock. Do you remember the book she was wriring?
and how she'd read us chapter updates at lunch in 9th grade under the tree?
and how she'd read us chapter updates at lunch in 9th grade under the tree?
Sara Sandeen
If you would like to leave a message for our blog for Margaret, you may send it to Natalie or Carol or leave a message on her fb account. (It's still open)
Did Margaret play trumpet? or french horn? I can't remember...she was a band buddy and kept her eyes and ears open for me about my band guy interests. (which none of them, of course, were interested in me! But Margaret was always trying to be cupid!) What a sense of humor! That girl could make me LAUGH! I'm so glad I got to see her and hug her at our last reunion...she still was as funny as ever! -- Carol
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Back to the 10th Reunion
Dinner Enjoyment.....
Mike, Randi, Kristina Larsson and Neil
Mike, Randi, Kristina Larsson and Neil

Kathy Tosi and Catherine Coleman/John Moorhouse/Kim Fradd with baby Lindsey

Thanks to Sara Sandeen who sent me these original photos in 1991...because I wasn't able to attend the reunion! Looks like it was a lot of fun! Does anyone have more photos from that reunion?
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
The giant HUG of cherished FRIENDSHIPS
What a week it's life has changed focus, the world around me has turned upside down, and I'm so relieved to finally understand why I've been so tired, sick and painful over the last few months. I'm not a complainer (well, most of the time, and usually just to my hubby) I haven't shared much of my aches and concerns but when driving, eating and sleeping (and sitting on the computer chair-I even joked with Cardie that I had Facebook hemorroids!) started to become unbearable I knew that I had to go to the Doctor. NEVER did I wildly imagine that the results would be cancer! Aside from being overweight and a little out of shape, I'm generally a very healthy, happy person! This was a TOTAL SHOCK for me and my family!
On Wednesday, I went into the regular Doctor station in our little town for a hemorroid check (never have had one so I wasn't sure)......but she didn't like what she found in there. So she told me to go immediately to the hospital in Helsingborg for a more expert opinion, then I began to freak a bit. I drove myself there, in my new driving position - half reclined on my side. After further excruciating probing by the doctor, she told me that the lump in my rump was not a good bump and that I would have to stay overnight for additional tests in the morning to rule out cancer. There the word was said. And I FREAKED...before being checked into my room, thank goodness, I had the excuse to put additional money into the parking meter (like the worst of my worries! ha) because once I got outside I could let lose a wail of a cry (in my car)...yes, the ugly kind of cry that makes your face go red and blouchy, snorting muscus, hiccup breathing pattern. Not pretty. Then I spent the next two days getting tested (CT scan, blood tests and blood tests, and biospy which I got two doses of morphine for the pain--yuck, throw up city!). Being with my husband for the results was awful...this man is a sensitive puppy dog of a guy who nearly cries when he sees road kill. Sucking it in, he was the one who called the principal of my school to say that I won't be working for a couple of months! I think the first call was the hardest for us. And he couldn't say the c-word! (my Swedish friends say I'm the glue and the engine of our I was proud he could be brave and make this difficult call for me..I love my job and I will REALLY miss my students!) get on with my beating around the bush here...the fact is I have rectal cancer that has spread to my liver. (I don't like that matastize word...see, I can't even spell it!)
Biospy results are not in yet but they already know it's cancer--what stage and all that, I don't know. GOOD NEWS: my red blood count is "normal" although on the low side so my lovely liver is still working hard! (GO LIVER, work it!) I will find out "early next week" (let's hope by Wednesday or I'll be a crazy woman with this waiting business!) The plan of action is that I will get chemo directed at my liver first since that is the most important, then they'll focus chemo and raditation on the rectum. (wish I could request some limposuction too but that's going a little too far!) We are guessing that surgery is not being considered at this point because of the possibility that I might have to live with a "disposal bag" the rest of my life. I don' t know but when I meet my oncology team I will be armed with a zillion questions. (I'm keeping a journal so I don't forget what I want to ask and say.) The main concern at the moment is to keep my poopies coming through and not lodging themselves on the other side of the bad bump! (ouchy!) I have meds for this but still it can take a couple of days! (not to mention I'm hardly eating so there's not much there anyway) So, all you well's what I ask of you....whenever you do a "good poop" WISH one for me too! Who'd have ever thought I'd publicly ask for this type of favor! But it's VERY IMPORTANT! I kid you not. Now....the waiting begins and I just want to get started on the treatment...come on folks (doctors)....let's KICK CANCER OUT OF ME! I'm going to BEAT IT (thanks Michael Jackson!) and I WILL SURVIVE (thanks Gloria!) and I'm MOVING ON (thanks Sarah Dawn Finer!).
Living so far away from my home country is one thing (and my choice)....but we also live in the countryside...not even in town. I LOVE IT! However, it gets lonely some times, very lonely. And that's probably why I have loved "gathering" the Class of 1981 so much into this blog during these past winter months. (and all our FB rantings! What fun!) But this blog is not just for me...that's why I posted this horrible news on my personal blog...and Natalie saw it and ran with it!
Natalie, that was the BEST thing you could have done for me! Thank you, my dear soul sister!
And what you wrote on your own personal blog put me into another crying fit of JOY and GRATEFULNESS and my husband, too--we were sobbing fools during dinner tonight!....all that you and Randy and Kim and Marcus Lisle....everyone is doing for me! It hardly seems fair that I would deserve such attention! I am VERY VERY TOUCHED!
The friendship, love, support, prayers and offers of help have REALLY HUGGED ME! The distance doesn't seem so great. I can FEEL YOUR POSITIVE ENERGY coming into my mind and body and I am STRENGTHEN! This disease will BITE THE DUST...NOT ME! (thanks Queen!)
*****Another note of business.....this will be the last you read on this blog about my illness...this is the GHS BLOG for the Class of 1981 not mine. However, if you want to keep up with my are welcome to follow on
You can type that address above into your address window for websites if this link isn't working!
or you can email me at
On Wednesday, I went into the regular Doctor station in our little town for a hemorroid check (never have had one so I wasn't sure)......but she didn't like what she found in there. So she told me to go immediately to the hospital in Helsingborg for a more expert opinion, then I began to freak a bit. I drove myself there, in my new driving position - half reclined on my side. After further excruciating probing by the doctor, she told me that the lump in my rump was not a good bump and that I would have to stay overnight for additional tests in the morning to rule out cancer. There the word was said. And I FREAKED...before being checked into my room, thank goodness, I had the excuse to put additional money into the parking meter (like the worst of my worries! ha) because once I got outside I could let lose a wail of a cry (in my car)...yes, the ugly kind of cry that makes your face go red and blouchy, snorting muscus, hiccup breathing pattern. Not pretty. Then I spent the next two days getting tested (CT scan, blood tests and blood tests, and biospy which I got two doses of morphine for the pain--yuck, throw up city!). Being with my husband for the results was awful...this man is a sensitive puppy dog of a guy who nearly cries when he sees road kill. Sucking it in, he was the one who called the principal of my school to say that I won't be working for a couple of months! I think the first call was the hardest for us. And he couldn't say the c-word! (my Swedish friends say I'm the glue and the engine of our I was proud he could be brave and make this difficult call for me..I love my job and I will REALLY miss my students!) get on with my beating around the bush here...the fact is I have rectal cancer that has spread to my liver. (I don't like that matastize word...see, I can't even spell it!)
Biospy results are not in yet but they already know it's cancer--what stage and all that, I don't know. GOOD NEWS: my red blood count is "normal" although on the low side so my lovely liver is still working hard! (GO LIVER, work it!) I will find out "early next week" (let's hope by Wednesday or I'll be a crazy woman with this waiting business!) The plan of action is that I will get chemo directed at my liver first since that is the most important, then they'll focus chemo and raditation on the rectum. (wish I could request some limposuction too but that's going a little too far!) We are guessing that surgery is not being considered at this point because of the possibility that I might have to live with a "disposal bag" the rest of my life. I don' t know but when I meet my oncology team I will be armed with a zillion questions. (I'm keeping a journal so I don't forget what I want to ask and say.) The main concern at the moment is to keep my poopies coming through and not lodging themselves on the other side of the bad bump! (ouchy!) I have meds for this but still it can take a couple of days! (not to mention I'm hardly eating so there's not much there anyway) So, all you well's what I ask of you....whenever you do a "good poop" WISH one for me too! Who'd have ever thought I'd publicly ask for this type of favor! But it's VERY IMPORTANT! I kid you not. Now....the waiting begins and I just want to get started on the treatment...come on folks (doctors)....let's KICK CANCER OUT OF ME! I'm going to BEAT IT (thanks Michael Jackson!) and I WILL SURVIVE (thanks Gloria!) and I'm MOVING ON (thanks Sarah Dawn Finer!).
The support we have gotten has been INCREDIBLE! I THANK YOU!
(sorry, in this photo I could not smile my usual one because I was holding in the tears!)
(sorry, in this photo I could not smile my usual one because I was holding in the tears!)

Natalie, that was the BEST thing you could have done for me! Thank you, my dear soul sister!
And what you wrote on your own personal blog put me into another crying fit of JOY and GRATEFULNESS and my husband, too--we were sobbing fools during dinner tonight!....all that you and Randy and Kim and Marcus Lisle....everyone is doing for me! It hardly seems fair that I would deserve such attention! I am VERY VERY TOUCHED!
The friendship, love, support, prayers and offers of help have REALLY HUGGED ME! The distance doesn't seem so great. I can FEEL YOUR POSITIVE ENERGY coming into my mind and body and I am STRENGTHEN! This disease will BITE THE DUST...NOT ME! (thanks Queen!)
Thank you, I love you...everyone of you!
You all are "FRIENDSHIP true"!
You all are "FRIENDSHIP true"!
Your words have touched me very deeply and I will be literally carrying them into chemotherapy with me. I've copied them all and pasted them together to print out for my long appointments at the read in those moments when I'm feeling the need for a hug and support...far and near, in Swedish, in Spanish, in English from old and young, new friends and old ones. And especially my GHS ones! The POWER OF THE HURRICANES is running through my body! Thank you for being my friends!
*****Another note of business.....this will be the last you read on this blog about my illness...this is the GHS BLOG for the Class of 1981 not mine. However, if you want to keep up with my are welcome to follow on
You can type that address above into your address window for websites if this link isn't working!
or you can email me at
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Look, I'm taking some personal liberty here...but when someone you love comes up against something that feels bigger than they are, they need help and LOVE. And from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE I KNOW that OUR CLASS is FILLED with LOVE and GOODNESS....
Carol has been diagnosed with Rectal Cancer. She won't find out until MONDAY what the procedures will be to fight it. She is as surprised as anyone...refer to her BLOG POST today
FRIDAY, MARCH 13th, 2009.
I don't care what or who you believe in....but WHATEVER/WHOEVER it is...will you please summon the Gods to come down and heal her? I LOVE this woman. I know SO MANY of YOU do as well. I also believe with ALL MY HEART in the healing power of a collective addition to that of a loving God. If you just consider the SMILES she has brought to each of us over the last few months....
I also believe in Fasting...I have personally witnessed miracles from fasting.
To fast is to go without food and drink voluntarily for a certain period of time. Fasting combined with sincere prayer can strengthen us spiritually, bring us closer to God, and help us prepare ourselves and others to receive His blessings. I will start my fast tomorrow night(Sat. March 14, 2009) at 6pm and end it Sunday night (March 15th, 2009) at 6pm, and invite any and all to join me, whether it be in a fast(for however long YOU choose) or some other personal means of yours in behalf of Carol's healing and peace to her and her family as they begin this journey.
It's times like these I wish I had a magic wand, or the tongue of an angel to be able to move mutlitudes to act in her behalf. There are so many elements of life I am unsure of...but LOVE, I have FAITH in the power of LOVE...and FAITH in HE who IS LOVE. Please, will you join whatever ways you have proven in your life so far...I am SO OPEN to any new suggestions as well...I just want her WELL and as QUICK as it can happen. And...if you could let her KNOW that you are WITH her....
PLEASE POST ANY IDEAS YOU HAVE HERE...let's get the LOVE energy heading her way as SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!
Thank you!!!! Thank you for being apart of my life, and especially apart of hers...
Carol has been diagnosed with Rectal Cancer. She won't find out until MONDAY what the procedures will be to fight it. She is as surprised as anyone...refer to her BLOG POST today
FRIDAY, MARCH 13th, 2009.
I don't care what or who you believe in....but WHATEVER/WHOEVER it is...will you please summon the Gods to come down and heal her? I LOVE this woman. I know SO MANY of YOU do as well. I also believe with ALL MY HEART in the healing power of a collective addition to that of a loving God. If you just consider the SMILES she has brought to each of us over the last few months....
I also believe in Fasting...I have personally witnessed miracles from fasting.
To fast is to go without food and drink voluntarily for a certain period of time. Fasting combined with sincere prayer can strengthen us spiritually, bring us closer to God, and help us prepare ourselves and others to receive His blessings. I will start my fast tomorrow night(Sat. March 14, 2009) at 6pm and end it Sunday night (March 15th, 2009) at 6pm, and invite any and all to join me, whether it be in a fast(for however long YOU choose) or some other personal means of yours in behalf of Carol's healing and peace to her and her family as they begin this journey.
It's times like these I wish I had a magic wand, or the tongue of an angel to be able to move mutlitudes to act in her behalf. There are so many elements of life I am unsure of...but LOVE, I have FAITH in the power of LOVE...and FAITH in HE who IS LOVE. Please, will you join whatever ways you have proven in your life so far...I am SO OPEN to any new suggestions as well...I just want her WELL and as QUICK as it can happen. And...if you could let her KNOW that you are WITH her....
PLEASE POST ANY IDEAS YOU HAVE HERE...let's get the LOVE energy heading her way as SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!
Thank you!!!! Thank you for being apart of my life, and especially apart of hers...
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Babe, Bill and Gina --Recent photos!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Gator families - Cardie and Shelley
I have been loving life and working mostly in a sales-related position since HS (just had my management position eliminated at my company, so although I was offered the opportunity to stay on, decided that its time for something new and am currently pondering what I might try next). Every day is an adventure. Goal is to never grow up, make sure I cherish every single day and live life to its fullest with a positive outlook. My husband Jim and I have been together for 6 years now. Very happily married with two very furry, mixed breed daughters, Emma and Savannah. Travel, relaxing, spending time with good friends and family are top priorities for us. Gators, Rays and just about anything related to the beach take up a good amount of our time. Recently have been enjoying reconnecting with old friends and making new ones that I might not have had the opportunity to get to know during our GHS time via Facebook. Gainesville is home (having li ved more places around the world before I was 8 as an Airforce brat than many people do in a lifetime, its good to have a comfortable home base). Looking forward to our next reunion. All I can say is time flies when you are having fun!
Monday, March 2, 2009
What does Carter Scott wear to work?
Well, some days she dresses like this.....
And on other days, she dresses in one of these outfits
or something completely different !

or something completely different !
Whatever the work dress style....SHE'S ALWAYS SINGING!
Carter has been performing in OPERA shows all over the USA and Europe!
If you'd like to read more and see what she normally looks like
Wow...we have another celebrity in our Class of 1981!
Break a leg, Carter!
(can you say that for opera singers too?)
Break a leg, Carter!
(can you say that for opera singers too?)
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thanks Bill Bush!
Bill and his family by the ocean....
Thanks to Bill we can remember some more JJ Finley faces!
This is the 1973 class of Mrs. Brooks!
Who do you recognize? (please help us identify some of our old friends!)
5th Grade, Mrs. Brooks Class: 
This is the 1973 class of Mrs. Brooks!
Who do you recognize? (please help us identify some of our old friends!)
Back: - Mrs. Brooks
Top Row: Doug Copeland, Grant Denny, Ricky ?, who??, who??, Brian Thomas, Benford Samuels, who?? ,who ??
Second Row: Happy Gilmore, Bill Bush, Ted Dew, Linda Julin, Laura Zelaney, Julie Wilson, John McGuigan, Michael Godby, Marvin Capo
Bottom Row: Julie Kirkland, Bernard Shaw? , ??, Bill Foster, Rhonda Updyke, Sam Roberts, Cindy Parham , Toby Boyd, who ??
*Thanks Linda for your help...maybe someone else from Brooks class can remember the others in photo.
* Does anyone have class photos from Mrs. Ringwood's, Mrs. Drisclald's (spell?), Mrs. Walkers ? what were the other teachers names?
*Thanks Linda for your help...maybe someone else from Brooks class can remember the others in photo.
* Does anyone have class photos from Mrs. Ringwood's, Mrs. Drisclald's (spell?), Mrs. Walkers ? what were the other teachers names?
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Getting ready for Jr. Prom 1980
Who are these young ladies?
Carol and Natalie (and Sara, I think) made loads of foil decorations for our
"Stairway to Heaven" prom theme!
What a LOT of work...and who said they were cheesy?

"Stairway to Heaven" prom theme!
What a LOT of work...and who said they were cheesy?

Karen Pfaff, ?, Sheryl Katz, Sara Sandeen and Carol help
decorate for the big night ahead!
Isn't that staircase wonderful? WHO got that thing?

...background Laura Moberly and John Waitcus do some more work.
FUNDRAISING....donuts, car washes, candy bar sales....what else?
We did a LOT!
Who else helped with the decorating?
Endless hours planning and preparing?
Renting stuff....(stairway, disco ball, what else?)
Selecting a band.... (Susan Johnson, I recall was part of that committee)
Anyone brave enough to send in their prom photo to post?!
Come on now!!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Help Wanted....
Do you have the Senior Yearbook?
Do you have a decent scanner?
Do you have some time?
There have been a few requests from our dear classmates to post our senior year photos on this blog so that we can remember each other as we come into contact again. After all, it has been a number of years since most of us have seen one another!
If you are willing to scan the pages of the IMAGE yearbook (the purple one, can't miss it) and email them to Carol ( she'll do the rest! Scanning the names WITH the photos would be extremely helpful as well! (I do not have a yearbook with me over here so this would be a GREAT FAVOR!) Many of our friends would REALLY appreciate it!
Thanks for your visit on the GHS Class of 1981 blog!
It's been wonderful hearing from so many people
and getting such HURRICANE PRIDE support!
Do you have a decent scanner?
Do you have some time?
There have been a few requests from our dear classmates to post our senior year photos on this blog so that we can remember each other as we come into contact again. After all, it has been a number of years since most of us have seen one another!
If you are willing to scan the pages of the IMAGE yearbook (the purple one, can't miss it) and email them to Carol ( she'll do the rest! Scanning the names WITH the photos would be extremely helpful as well! (I do not have a yearbook with me over here so this would be a GREAT FAVOR!) Many of our friends would REALLY appreciate it!
Thanks for your visit on the GHS Class of 1981 blog!
It's been wonderful hearing from so many people
and getting such HURRICANE PRIDE support!
More from Saturday night of the 20th Reunion...
Name tags, in case we couldn't recognize each other!
Better have some more of those made up for the 30th, geesh!
Better have some more of those made up for the 30th, geesh!

Randi Weitzen and Kim ReVoir
***(what? there isn't one photo of Neil!)'ll have to take one and send it to me!****** Note from Linda Julin on Monday, Feb. 23 ******
Hi Carol,
The site is going great. Thanks.
*Thanks Linda for identifying some folks for me! Very helpful! :-)
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